Did You Know?

According to NPR, about half of young sports fans prefer watching highlights as opposed to a full game.

What is the sports interest and awareness of BYUtv (specifically sports content) among BYU alumni, particularly in the Big 12 geos?

The Problem

BYUtv is typically a secondary streaming service in households, used to supplement other streaming services. In our survey, we found consumers who watch sports prefer ESPN/ESPN+, Amazon Prime Video, and their TV provider.

Research Objectives

1) Determine whether there is a statistical variance in viewing attitudes and behaviors between BYU alumni who live in Big 12 cities and alumni who do not.

2) Determine the awareness that BYU alumni have of BYUtv and the sports content that it offers. 

3) Determine the interest that these specified alumni have in watching current BYUtv sports programming.

4) Determine which streaming platforms BYU alumni use to watch sports and what attracts them to or repels them from specific streaming platforms.

5) Determine what habits and mindsets constitute a typical sports-viewing experience for BYU alumni and how conducive the features of BYUtv are to creating this experience. 

Duration: November 11th-30th, 2022

Location: Distributed through the BYU alumni email list

Sample composition: Approximately 190 survey participants, allowing for the elimination of non-qualified participants, ages 18-55

Survey Research

Those who live in Big 12

Those who do not live in Big 12 areas

Based on A/B Testing calculations from our survey results, there is no statistical significance to suggest that there is any value in comparing those who live in a Big 12 city or not.

Through A/B testing, we calculated p-values, which is a statistical measure used to determine the likelihood that an observed outcome is the result of chance. The lower the p-value, the greater the statistical significance of the observed difference. To the left is the survey data that compares the audiences consisting of people living in Big 12 areas versus people living in non-Big 12 areas. The average P-values accompany these graphs

Average P-value = 0.522 (A p-value of 0.05 or lower is generally considered statistically significant)

Focus Group/Interview Findings

  • 7 BYU alumni within Big 12 cities - Interview participants were chosen from the top states that respondents of the survey reported being from

  • It is common for consumers to stream general entertainment media passively, putting a program on in the background while accomplishing some other task; in contrast, when viewers watch sports games they are more likely to be solely watching and focusing on the game.

  • There is awareness that BYUtv is a family-friendly brand that hosts wholesome content. Parents do not have to worry about their children watching inappropriate content or commercials on BYUtv.

  • Of all shoulder programming available, consumers are most interested in watching game highlights. Additionally, alumni prefer to watch highlights in a condensed format and are not attracted to lengthy content.

  • Strong loyalty to BYU is necessary for viewers to seek more sports content aside from in-game commentary. The average viewer feels content without shoulder programming or supplemental information about players and coaches.


BYUtv should consider creating content on social media to attract sports highlight consumers.  

Increase awareness that BYUtv is free and can be accessed on a laptop, phone, or other mobile devices.

Organize content in a more user-friendly way; mimic the organization of other successful streaming platforms such as Netflix and Hulu. One example would be organizing their content into clear genres and subgenres.

Create and present smaller pieces of sports content and shoulder programming that is easily accessible and seen from the platform. For example, having a “Top 5 Plays” highlight reel that could play at the click of a button.


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